Rocol FOODLUBE Ultra食用宝开齿润滑脂为高粘附力、重负载、防水冲刷的多用途润滑脂,在极潮湿环境下亦可保持其不滴漏特性。应用于中负载的开齿、适用于导轨、凸轮及滑动轴承的润滑。软硬度(NLGI)2-3号。操作温度范围-15℃至+160℃。四球测试-烧结负荷:250公斤。更获得美国国家卫生组织(NSF)H1级别认可。
Product Information
FOODLUBE Ultra is a multipurpose, extreme pressure, highly adhesive food grade grease. Designed for the effective lubrication of slides, cams, gears and plain bearings.
Extremely durable, long life grease film
Does not drip or fling off
Highly adhesive food grade grease
Highly resistant to water wash off
Excellent corrosion protection
High load and wear properties
Temperature range –15°C to +160°C
NSF H1 registered
ISO 21469 certified