Rocol RTD Liquid罗哥RTD攻牙油(又称嗒牙油),是一种高黏度、含极压添加剂的手涂式金属切削润滑剂,适用于各类绞孔、攻牙/攻丝、钻孔及其它金属切削工序。罗哥 RTD 攻牙油可用于所有金属材料,包括硬化钢、钛金属和镍铬合金等。本产品显著地减低摩擦力,发挥超凡切削功能。 亦可作为普通矿物基切削油或金属成型加工油的添加剂,以应付最艰巨的切削加工成型,如超硬金属的拉削和齿轮切削成型等。
Product Information
RTD is a drill’s best friend.
RTD has been the market leader for 60 years. However severe the application, you can specify RTD with confidence.
Benefits of using RTD
Minimise tool / tap breakages
Reduced scrap
Increased tool life
Excellent surface finish
Dimensional accuracy and repeatability
Allow greater feeds and speeds
Increase productivity and efficiency
Multi metal compatability – RTD does it all