Rocol罗哥具有超过130年为工业创造润滑剂的经验,是研发及制造精炼矿物油作高质量工业润滑剂之先驱。产品涵盖:Rocol 12171, Rocol 12176, Rocol 12175, Rocol 12471, Rocol 12475, Rocol 12474, Rocol 12051, Rocol 12056, Rocol 12055, Rocol 12253, Rocol 12256, Rocol 20026, Rocol 20024, Rocol 20015, Rocol 20046, Rocol 20045, Rocol 22001, Rocol 12754, Rocol 12756, Rocol 12764, Rocol 12795, Rocol 14033, Rocol 15010, Rocol 15231, Rocol 15234, Rocol 15244, Rocol 15246, Rocol 15251, Rocol 15256, Rocol 15284, Rocol 15294, Rocol 15525, Rocol 15610, Rocol 16516, Rocol 18105, Rocol 18304, Rocol 22265, Rocol 34035, Rocol 34235, Rocol 34131, Rocol 32030, Rocol 37020, Rocol 37028, Rocol Z30, Rocol 38958, Rocol 53023, Rocol 53023, Rocol 53072, Rocol 53028, Rocol 69012, Rocol 69021, Rocol 34295, Rocol 15020, Rocol 10046, Rocol 10047, Rocol 14035, Rocol 10025, Rocol HT70, Rocol 12106

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Rocol罗哥具有超过130年为工业创造润滑剂的经验,是研发及制造精炼矿物油作高质量工业润滑剂之先驱。产品涵盖:Rocol 12171, Rocol 12176, Rocol 12175, Rocol 12471, Rocol 12475, Rocol 12474, Rocol 12051, Rocol 12056, Rocol 12055, Rocol 12253, Rocol 12256, Rocol 20026, Rocol 20024, Rocol 20015, Rocol 20046, Rocol 20045, Rocol 22001, Rocol 12754, Rocol 12756, Rocol 12764, Rocol 12795, Rocol 14033, Rocol 15010, Rocol 15231, Rocol 15234, Rocol 15244, Rocol 15246, Rocol 15251, Rocol 15256, Rocol 15284, Rocol 15294, Rocol 15525, Rocol 15610, Rocol 16516, Rocol 18105, Rocol 18304, Rocol 22265, Rocol 34035, Rocol 34235, Rocol 34131, Rocol 32030, Rocol 37020, Rocol 37028, Rocol Z30, Rocol 38958, Rocol 53023, Rocol 53023, Rocol 53072, Rocol 53028, Rocol 69012, Rocol 69021, Rocol 34295, Rocol 15020, Rocol 10046, Rocol 10047, Rocol 14035, Rocol 10025, Rocol HT70, Rocol 12106

ROCOL MOISTURE GUARD Clear Spray透明模具防锈剂(rocol 69025)是一种近乎干式的薄膜,容易处理,不但能抵抗指模腐蚀,且能提供润滑作用及排除水气,特别适用于潮湿环境及有凝结问题的情况,是一种优秀的室内防锈剂,防锈期可达五年。储存或停机时更可用作保护光亮金属零件及模具。盐水喷雾测试ASTM B117 750小时--相当于5年室内储存防锈期。另备有绿色防锈油包装,适合不同的应用要求。


Indoor Corrosion Protective Aerosol Spray

Excellent de-watering corrosion inhibitor

Five year indoor corrosion protection

Flexible film does not chip or crack

Does not attract dirt or dust

Silicone free

Protects against condensation and damp atmospheres

Suitable for a wide range of products such as moulding tools, bearings, gears, pressing and any machined metal.

Size: 400ml Part Number: 69025

关键词:ROCOL MOISTURE GUARD Clear Spray,透明模具防锈剂,ROCOL 69025



















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ROCOL 69025



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